Who is this For?
2010 Birth Years who are entering 8th grade.
Why is there a Gappers Group?
With the birth year change a few years ago, it has created a "gap" in the Fall for the younger 15Us in the age group. These younger players are still in Middle School and may not have the opportunity to play High School Soccer and there is no 15U League for them to play in during the Fall.
Twin Cities Soccer League (TCSL) has recognized this gap and has allowed these younger 15Us to play club soccer during the Fall Season. So now, we are able to offer them options this Fall:
Questions? Reach out to chrisdoc@epsoccerclub.com
6400 Flying Cloud Drive
Suite 218
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: 952-240-0867
Email: admin@epsoccerclub.com
Copyright © 2024 Eden Prairie Soccer Club