Who is this For? 

2010 Birth Years who are entering 8th grade.

Why is there a Gappers Group?

With the birth year change a few years ago, it has created a "gap" in the Fall for the younger 15Us in the age group. These younger players are still in Middle School and may not have the opportunity to play High School Soccer and there is no 15U League for them to play in during the Fall.


Twin Cities Soccer League (TCSL) has recognized this gap and has allowed these younger 15Us to play club soccer during the Fall Season. So now, we are able to offer them options this Fall:


  1. Training Option ($125) - Train with a 14U Team. 
  2. Training & Games Option ($395) - Can train and play league games with a 14U Team (not with an NPL Team)
  3. If there are enough Gappers, we will form their own training group and look at the potential for a Fall Tournament - ($395)


  • 2010 Birth Year
  • Signed up for the 2024/25 Season at EPSC
  • Will be in 8th Grade starting in August 2024


  1. We will send a note out after Tryouts to those players who are in EPSC teams and meet the criteria.
  2. We will review the responses and place players or create teams accordingly.
  3. A registration will go out to the players
  4. Season begins late August


  • Players will be placed on ability and roster sizes. 
  • This is FALL SEASON ONLY. Players will return to their 15U Team after the completion of the Fall Season.
  • You cannot play High School Soccer and train and/or play as a Gapper, this is only for players who are not playing high school soccer.

Questions? Reach out to

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